Manufacturing of machinery automated for parcel sortation (for companies like logistic, distribution and e-commerce companies) and machinery for book binding production from more than 40 years.
Risetec Srl

Get to know
our company better
History & Knowledge
A long experience that keep going
Manufacturing of machinery from 1979 coming first from a long experience of the founder working for leaders of the market and then from the passion of him and his family to keep pushing and developing more and more new solutions and technological applications.
Service and Support
Always on your side
Risetec have a team and a network for the service support to guarantee customers the best service as possible. We try to cover the support for our customers with our staff but we have also created a network of partners (in each country were we sell machinery) that they can follow our equipment service.
Professional developers team
Get the best solutions for any of your ideas
We are specialist on finding the right solution according customers needs; we’ll analyzing the type of production, then we’ll realize a personalized layout to fit our solution to your space. Our team will follow customers from the beginning to future upgrades.

Our production site is located in a strategic area near of highways junctions and really close to the main Milan Airport.

Latest technologies
We never stop to create and follow new technologies. We are always developing new equipment and searching for new applications following the customer request and needs that we can find in the market.

Risetec production is made 100% inside. We realize mechanical and electrical project, software developing, all mechanical parts production, mechanical assembly, electrical cabinet and of course all test of machinery before the shipping to the customer.